Trauma is the result of one or a series of overwhelming events that lead to dissociation,
frozenness or an over-activated state in our body and mind.

Trauma Healing

Course of 3-5 days

Trauma is the result of one or a series of overwhelming events that lead to dissociation, frozenness or an over-activated state in our body and mind. As a consequence one my develop symptoms of post-traumatic stress that can severely disturb our life and our way of relating to others. Old and unprocessed traumatic wounds are often triggered by certain events later in life and we may experience anxiety, rage or a state of dysregulation. To heal trauma the emotional and physiological charge that is inherent in the response to the traumatic event needs to be gently discharged and step by step integrated into our body-mind system.

In this course we learn how to recognize and deal with trauma states in a way that promotes healing. We develop an awareness of the resources that are available to us to cope with a past trauma and how to help our body to complete something that originally was a healthy and natural response to a threatening event.

Besides healing shock trauma we will especially learn how to heal bonding and early life traumas that can damage our trust and sense of safety when relating with others. We work in a resource-oriented way using specific exercises and learn from watching demonstration sessions. This course is for laymen and professionals alike.

Some of the topics addressed:
• Understanding the basic physiology of trauma
• Using resources for promoting a gentle discharge
• The steps to healing and how to find self-regulation
• Specific communication skills with regard to trauma
• Boundary work and developing a sense of safe boundaries
• Working with resources in relating trauma
• Systemic and transgenerational aspects of trauma
• The role of creativity in trauma healing

Healing Bonding Trauma

Course of 3 to 5 days

We are born out of the meeting or our mother and father and grow up in the energy field of a family. As social beings we continue to live our life in a relational field. In this context we often experience hurt, loss, violence or other traumatic events that damage our natural sense of safety and trust. Sometimes it becomes difficult to repair such wounds on our own.

In this course we learn to how to heal and restore our ability to relate with others in a healthy and nourishing way. We will also gain a deeper awareness of our own relating patterns and how to avoid repeating old dysfunctional ways of relating. We learn to listen more to our body as a physical container of all life experiences and study various attachment styles that originate in early life experiences with our primary care taker. We will include a systemic viewpoint and learn how the attachment wounds of others have been passed on to us sometimes through many generations.

This course is for laymen and professionals alike and is designed to create an understanding of the underlying cause of an attachment trauma and what supports healing. We work in a resource-oriented way using specific exercises and learn from watching demonstration sessions.

Some of the topics covered:
• Understanding what bonding is and its essential life sustaining function
• The development of specific attachment styles and how to work with them
• Boundary work and developing a sense of safe boundaries on various levels
• How to work with resources in relating trauma
• Specific communication skills with regard to trauma
• Systemic and transgenerational aspects of trauma
• The role of creativity in trauma healing

The Male – Female Polarity

Workshop of 5 days

In this group we explore the true nature of our inner male and female polarity. Often we are identified with one side while the other remains hidden, withdrawn, or even dominated by the other. By exploring which of our actions in our daily life is rooted in desire, tension and effort, or in relaxation, joy and innocence, we start to gain an understanding whether it is our male or our female side that has authentic strength and is capable of love. We gain clarity whether our inner man or inner women should be given more space in our life, and we can then begin to implement changes in our relationships, our work and daily routine.

We may discover that what we thought is strength may arise from of fear and what we judged as weakness could be our inner treasure and authentic creativity. Conscious love takes us beyond needs and arises from meditative presence.

We work with guided meditations and use a Gestalt technique to come to understand how to flow with life and gain insights into what healthy relating looks like.

We will further explore specific qualities of our male and female sides to discover what they like to do in life and if they can find their expression in a work they enjoy. When we don’t judge and allow each side grow on its own, peace and a silent joy follow naturally.

For more information about his work or courses, please send an e-mail to Svagito:

Svagito´s new book


Trauma, Bonding and Family Constellation

This book aims to give a profound understanding of what personal and collective trauma is and what serves healing. A somatic view is combined with a systemic approach and many case studies, guided meditations and exercises make the theoretical explanations tangible.

The process of trauma healing is examined not only in a psychological, but also a spiritual context, recognizing that trauma does not only need to be a destructive, but can also become an awakening force.

The author throughout the book includes his personal healing journey after losing his wife in a tragic accident. In this way the book does not only speak to the reader’s intellect, but also reaches him on a feeling level, because only there can real healing take place.

Available on Amazon or through the author